Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I'm not saying that it wasn't time for Steve-O to go, BUT I just want to say, FOR THE RECORD...

"When I tried to vote for him last night, on my first call to his number from my cell phone, about 5 minutes into voting, the recording said, 'You have used all your votes for the evening.'" Ummmmmm, how can that be when I am the ONLY person who uses that phone, and it was with me the entire time I was watching the show? Was I the only one who had this problem? What if all the people who had been voting for him in the past had this same problem, and all eight of their votes didn't count?

Obviously, at this point, there's nothing that can be done, but something needs to be done in the event such a situation arises in the future.

I know Steve-O wasn't anywhere near the best dancer, but he sure did show people that recovery is possible, even when you put yourself in a vulnerable position and when times are tough. Who would have ever thought you'd see a "real" Jackass on Dancing With the Stars, and NOT see him act like one?

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